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Error Notification Service


Do you know how your applications are doing after you send it out in the wild? Given all the variation of software deployments it is impossible to completely identify all errors.

You cannot depend on users to report the failure of your applications.

Most errors are not reported by users for various reasons: inconvenience, reboot reflex, ... By the time a user will call for support a lot of damage was already done to your reputation.

Advantages of using the Error Notification service

  • Get notified in real time if your application is failing.
  • Easily identify the most common points of failure.
  • Focus your efforts on the most common points of failure.
  • Store the errors in our database for later review.
  • Puts you in control on what happens if your application fails.

  • Get notified in real time if your application is failing
    Subscribe to be notified by email if an application is failing. You will receive a detailed description of your error the instant the error is happening.

    Easily identify the most common points of failure.
    Create reports to identify the most common points of failure. See at a glance if a particular error is happening only to a user
    View a sample error report here

    Focus your efforts on the most common points of failure.
    Without a conprehensive error reporting system you will focus on fixing the problems of the customer that asks the loudest. This is not always adressing the problem that most users have. With the Error Nofication service you have data to identify how often a particular problem is happening and plan your efforts accordingly.

    Store the errors in our database for later review.
    Come back anytime to review the errors.

    Puts you in control on what happens if your application fails.
    Depending on your users to report the errors is simply not working.

    API Reference